There are many different types of seals and each type has features. Exactly this point makes seals play an important role in society development. There is roughly cable seal, plastic seal, meter seal, bolt seal, anti-proof seals. And in further division, there are also many seals with different names.
Different types are applied to different industries. It can not be like mass goods to sell. So currently, it is customized.
The customized steps of seals are almost the same as other customized ones. Seals are made according to buyers’ requirements. And buyers also need to find correct suppliers before providing order.
There are many types of seals, which means no one factory can have complete seals. If order is not large enough, supplier will also not invest to mold.
There are also other special advantages for many different types of seals. It is very difficult to duplicate the same seals and there will be serial number at seals. The position and color at seals by laser printing is very close, so it is more difficult to make the corresponding data.
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