Adjustable plastic security seals such as pull tight plastic straps and other plastic strap seals. This type of plastic security seal allows the user to cinch-up the seal according to their specific size requirements. Adjustable length plastic strap seals or pull-tight plastic straps are ideal for use when one seal type is used to secure multiple items or when a specific item can vary by size. Adjustable Length Plastic seal is securing your possess from easily removal perspective.Ideal for both protection and identification, their unique security feature discourages any attempt at tampering.Secure, cannot be dismantled or cut without obvious traces.Deterrent, immediate indication of tampering, pilfering or unauthorised entry.Durable, high security and Customs approved.
plastic seals are serial numbered. These serial numbers serve as a unique identifier. recommend having a procedure in place to record the numbers prior to use and removal. The plastic security seals should be stored in a safe location when unused. The plastic security seals include tamper evident (sometimes arguably referred to as tamper proof) features. These features could include material blushing when manipulated. All seals should be inspected for tampering before removal. Adjustable Length Plastic Seals, as its name tells, are tamper evident pull-tight seals used for a wide range of applications and small apetures, including tote, valves, ATM, cash boxes, airline trolleys and fire extinguishers.
These seals are constructed and manufactured of material that have a relatively low breaking point and can be easily removed by hand or with a small tool. Therefore, they are ideal seals for providing evidence of unauthorized entry or tampering. Recommended Applications:
Airline in-flight duty free or Catering Trolleys, Baggage, Refineries, Fuel and Oil Tankers, Chemical Drums, ATM Dispensers, Coin Boxes, Cash Bags, Gaming Machines, Postbags, Fire doors, Locker Cable seals are a one-time use product.
All of our cable seals are manufactured in facilities which are C-TPAT compliant. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer and is an ideal material to use when manufacturing plastic seals. The main reason for this is that the material warps and burns easily when heated in contrast to other plastics such as Nylon. If an attempt is made to tamper with the security seal and reattach two parts of the tail via a heating method the tampering would be clearly visible. The cable is constructed of galvanized steel aircraft cable, which will unravel upon cutting. This feature minimizes unauthorized reuse of the seal, which might be attempted by re-threading the cut cable into the locking mechanism of an adjustable cable seal.Adjustable-length cable seals can be tightened for a snug fit after threading the cable into the locking channel.After the locking mechanism is engaged, the cable seal can only be removed with a cable or bolt cutter.
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