plastic fixed length seal, which has an acetol locking insert and the tip of the strap protrudes beyond the locking head when fully engaged.plastic fixed length seal, which has a tag at the end of the strap, and the tip of the strap protrudes beyond the locking head when fully engaged.plastic and metal fixed length seal, which comprises a plastic locking head and a metal strap – the printing is more visible than on a conventional metal fixed length seal.
fixed length seal made from polypropylene plastic and an acetal metal jaw
Unique double locking mechanism specially designed to enhance its security against tampering
Insert until second click for full security
Fixed loop design, ribbed locking head
Acetal locking jaw with a higher melting point that polypropylene
Pre-determined break point on the seal
Allows movement of the door locking mechanism without applying strain on the seal
Metal fixed length seal, which incorporates a unique locking mechanism, which includes a moving part to confirm the seal is locked. Fixed length security seals offer a tamper evident solution for sealing truck trailers, containers, courier service boxes, doors, drums, and various other cargo holds. Made of high-density polyethylene these security plastic seals have a breaking strength of up to 44 lbs. and come pre-printed with 6 digit sequential numbers. To use simply press the end of the seal into the head of the cable seal to activate the locking mechanism. Removable only by bolt or cable cutters.
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