The proposal and implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative has made many companies in China more optimistic and the Belt and Road initiative will also lead to the development of the logistics industry. Many Chinese companies have started to acquire logistics companies. An offensive by some of China's largest companies to dominate the global logistics industry is prompting a surge in transactions for Chinese companies to buy overseas warehousing, trucking and other logistics businesses. The offensive is being boosted by Beijing's call to build the "new Silk Road."
Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, China's logistics industry has witnessed rapid development and also promoted the development of e-commerce. Products and trade between countries along the line are increasingly frequent. The vigorous development of cross-border e-commerce has created a huge cross-border Logistics market. Under the "One Belt and One Road" initiative, the international distribution of logistics and express delivery enterprises has been frequent, with an active presence in the international logistics and commerce markets and an acceleration in the global supply chain adjustment.
In this light, the arrival of Belt and One Road will bring spring to foreign trade and promote the development of the foreign trade industry.
The proposal of "One Belt and One Road" is based on a relatively good basis for cooperation based on our reality and the economic and trade exchanges between countries along the route. The basic conditions for infrastructure, including logistics facilities, are also relatively good.
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