All pas iso 17712 wholesalers & pas iso 17712 manufacturers come from members. We doesn't provide pas iso 17712 products or service, please contact them directly and verify their companies info carefully. Seals are locks - used only once. Designed to prevent, discourage or identify theft, seals help to detect unauthorised entry into high-security environments, protected areas, containers or goods. An integral part of in-house security systems, seals protect against stock / cargo loss and product contamination.
What is ISO PAS 17712? International Standard ISO 17712, Freight containers - Mechanical seals, published in September 2010, is the third generation of 17712. The first generation was a Publicly Available Specification (PAS) published in 2003; the second generation was a revision to ISO/PAS 17712 published in 2006. The generations are cumulative except for some fine-tuning of earlier work. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) permits its technical committees to draft and vote on Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) as, in effect, a kind of interim International Standard. A PAS is faster to approve than a formal standard, but it has a limited shelf-life.
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